Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fracking Source

The article Fracking Fury lays out the pros, cons, and possible risks associated with fracking. It goes into some detail describing the process of hydraulic fracturing, and the disposal of waste. "In 2009, about 14% of natural gas production came from shale formations." Pros listed in Fracking fury include more jobs and economic growth, as well as having natural gas which is cleaner than fuel. The brief summary of the cons is worded best by the article. "Hazards associated with natural gas production and drilling are not as well known as with other fossil fuels, and regulations have not kept pace with production (NYT 2011). Escalating concerns include adverse effects on drinking water, human health, animals, and ecosystems." So, fracking is too new, and under-regulated. Concerns over water include: massive pollution to local groundwater if anything goes wrong, "neurological impairment, loss of smell, and nerve pain" from the pollution, billions of gallons of water used in fracking, waste disposal may not be meeting standards for fracking fluids. Fracking may be responsible for disease in local residents, killing farm animals, causing earthquakes, and polluting ground water. EPA studies have not been reassuring about the safety of fracking, and the industry is not being properly regulated.

Palliser, Janna. "Fracking Fury." Science Scope 35.7 (2012): 20. Science Reference Center. Web. 2 Oct. 2012.

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